Our Beliefs

  • Our Mission

    First Baptist Church of Beverly Hills exists to show Jesus Christ to the world and lead all people into a life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Him

  • Our Passion

    First Baptist Church of Beverly Hills is a church that is helping people discover, trust, and love Christ

  • Our Vision

    First Baptist Church of Beverly Hills exists to be a loving, contagious and growing church that wholeheartedly follows Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

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  • Loving God in Worship

    We are deeply committed to personal and corporate worship. Our public worship services are Spirit-led, Christ-honoring, and biblically-based (Psalm 34:3; John 4:23-24.)

  • Loving People in Fellowship

    We are deeply committed to providing opportunities for our members to develop meaningful, growing, and lasting relationships (Acts 2:45-46; Acts 5:42; Ephesians 4:32.)

  • Serving People in Ministry

    We are deeply committed to enlisting, equipping, and releasing each follower of Christ in our fellowship to “do the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:11-12.)

  • Sending People in Mission

    We are deeply committed, as individuals and a congregation, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8; 20:24.)

  • All activities and ministries ought to be God-centered and God-honoring.​​

  • The Gospel of Christ should be central in all our teachings and ministries.

  • All decisions, ministries and activities must be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit because apart from God we can do nothing.​

  • The Word of God is our final authority and the lens through which we view all of life and test all things.

  • Our relationship with God and others ought to be marked by humility, integrity and authenticity.

  • People matter to God so they should matter to us.

  • Everyone needs a place to belong, to be cared for, and to grow. We believe that this is best found in small groups.

  • Spiritual and emotional healing is an essential part of our walk with God and transformation into Christ’s image.

  • Everyone is a “minister’ and should steward his or his spiritual gifts and live out our Lord’s commands in complete obedience.

  • The Great Commission should affect all aspects of our personal and community life.

  • Outreach to our community, nation, and world ought to be in word AND in deed.

  • Churches ought to be multiplying through church planting.

With God’s help, we envision our church accomplishing the following:

Our Goals

Increase Attendance

To double our present worship attendance with a growing percentage coming from the un-churched in our community.

Achieve 100% Involvement

To be a fully active church with 100% involvement in service.

Local, National & International Missions

To invest ourselves in world missions: locally, nationally and internationally.